Friday, March 29, 2019

Paws & Books: Katherine Riegel's LETTERS TO COLIN FIRTH

We love Katherine Riegel's LETTERS TO COLIN FIRTH. It won the 2015 Sundress Publications Chapbook Competition! I'm currently taking a writing course from Katie Riegel online, and it is fabulous; you can find more information here

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Hike 8 of 2019

Hike to the Bolle di Magadino in Switzerland. 🐾🐾 This is a wetland area at the mouth of the Ticino River, across the north end of Lake Maggiore. Dog met: A four-month old puppy Chihuahua named Lina and two Border Collies. (We cannot remember their names!) 🐶☀️

And we saw this pawsome doggy DACHSHUND sign!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Hike 7 of 2019

This is another hike we do a lot during the winter. It's near Sessa, Switzerland and also an extension of Hike 3. Dog met: Pinko, a four-year-old standard dachshund who is afraid of cats. His mom thought Pinko thought Tootsie might be a cat, but eventually Pinko sniffed Tootsie's butt and all was well with the world. 🐾🐶🐾

Here's what the humans ate after the hike. Tootsie got a carrot biscuit treat made especially for dogs.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Hike 6 of 2019

This trail goes to the Sessa Gold Mine, which operated until 1952. (It's now a museum.) Note that these kinds of vineyards are common in Ticino, Switzerland, terraced and tidy. (Merlot is common here, but we don't partake.) Dogs met: a fine medium-sized lab mutt guarding her home with barks and wags; she didn't tell us her name.

Can you find Tootsie? She's inside her "Take-a-Long Bag" from Dachshund Delights!

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