Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dach-sound Finance

As you know, I am long and short. And my bicontinental status means that I have a perspective on both bulls and bears. In Switzerland, there are cows everywhere, so I'm confident I'll find a bull market where I can go long. In Idaho, there is no shortage of bears, so I can always go short.

As part of the 99%, I support OccupyWallStreet. I was shocked to read Naomi Wolf's piece about her arrest in The Guardian. Still, I find the dynamics of stock markets fascinating, especially given current volatility levels. The Dow is my favorite bellwether, but only if spelled D'Aoust, like my last name.

If you are into dividend stocks, I recommend Walgreen shares, because their ticker symbol is WAG. Because I make occasional piggy-pog grunting sounds, I follow Harley Davidson shares, whose TLA is HOG. I'm not planning to get into commodities any time soon, but the iPath Dow Jones-UBS Livestock Subindex Total Return ETN, which trades as COW, looks pretty good if you wish to gain exposure to live cattle and lean hogs.

Disclosure: I'm long on WAG, short on HOG. I have no positions in COW and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I am also a dog.

Disclaimer: This is a dog blog. These yips should not be construed as professional financial advice.


  1. Tootsie, I like your politics and I like your style... ! Discovered you on The Long and Short of it All (had lunch with Joey and Rowdy's dad yesterday). Cheers from Chicago -- where do you reside in Switzerland, little sausage friend?
    Wags from Christa and Bruno (smooth B&T and very cosmopolitan like you!) and Honorary Doxies Olga and Latka...

  2. Thank you! Mom and Dad love Chicago, though I've never been there. I reside in Southern Switzerland, in the Lugano area. Keep on wagging!

  3. Hello again, Tootsie! I will be visiting Basel next week, sadly sans chiens. But that is not near Lugano. I'll just need to scratch other doxies' ears on the trip... Looking forward to reading about more adventures. Peace.

  4. Christa & Bruno & Honorary Doxies Olga and Latka,

    Thank you so much for your kind comments. I forgot to write earlier that I'm thrilled you found us at "The Long and Short of It All"; my parental units and I adore that blog.

    Have a wonderful trip to Basel! Let me know when you are in the southern Switzerland area; I'd love to welcome you with a wag.

    Keep on wagging,


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