Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Dachshund and Mother Selfie

Sometimes a cuddle is all that is needed!
Rehab, rehab, rehab, rehab (repeat 18 times for 18 months because of Mom's adhesive capsulitis, shoulder, and knee issues). Then, yesterday Mom and Dachshund Daddy and I climbed a mountain. Only four miles total, but 2000 vertical feet! Our goal: work up to eight, nine, ten miles. Mom didn't make it to the top, though. Her fear of heights stopped her (there was a drop-off on the other side of the ridge), so she sat down to pant and to cuddle me.
Still. A little bit of progress. All-paw drive makes all the difference!


  1. Tootsie, please tell your Mom we think she did brilliantly.
    Gail and I are both a bit frightened of sheer drops, and we think stopping for a cuddle was the best idea.
    Toodle pip!

  2. Your mom did great ! And that's a lovely selfie ! Purrs

  3. Cuddles are extremely energizing and stabilizing!!



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