Saturday, December 31, 2011

Wiener Resolutions

1. I will continue to contribute to the dogosphere.

2. I will continue to snuggle and cuddle.

3. I will continue to hike on two continents.

4. I will continue to burrow.

5. I will continue to buy books from independent booksellers.

6. I will continue to watch my weight.

7. I will continue to brush my teeth.

8. I will continue to bark at big dogs.

9. I will continue to question the dominant paradigm.

10. I will keep on wagging!

Happy New Year!
Buon anno!
Rutsch guet übere!
Bonne année!


  1. Keep on wagging my friend! Happy New Year!
    Dachshund Nola

  2. You are a role model for us all, Tootsie.
    Bruno and his Honorary Doxie sibs Latka and Olga wish you and your pack a great 2012.

  3. Great post! We'd love to feature you on Pet Blogs United.

    We'll send you an e-mail

    Nubbin wiggles,

  4. Thank you, Oskar! I'm wagging!

    Wiggles back,


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