Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Bo takes the Oath of Office

Yesterday I was teleported to Washington, D.C. to administer the Oath of Office to the First Dog of the United States, Bo Obama. As dictated by a time-honored tradition, the first dog takes the oath while clenching his favorite toy between his teeth.

Here follows the transcript:
Tootsie: I, Bo Obama, do solemnly swear...
Bo: I, Bo Obama, do solemnly swear...
Tootsie: ...that I will faithfully execute the Office of First Dog of the United States...
Bo: ...that I will faithfully execute the Office of First Dog of the United States...
Tootsie: ...and will to the best of my ability...
Bo: ...and will to the best of my ability...
Tootsie: ...preserve, protect, defend, and cuddle the President of the United States.
Bo: ...preserve, protect, defend, and cuddle the President of the United States.
Tootsie: So help you God?
Bo: So help me God.
Tootsie: Congratulations!


  1. Congratulations Bo! I hope you got a special inaugural dindins. And who did you get to dance with? Woohoo! X

  2. Congrats Bo. Wishing you another 4 years of helping running the country! Great work Tootsie.

  3. Congrats Bo. And Tootsie you did a wonderful job. I hope that the dinner afterwards was full of all your favorites.

  4. THAT was a moment to REMEMBER. You did super Tootsie!!!

  5. Christa taking dictation from BrunoJanuary 22, 2013 at 9:05 AM

    Cute! Cuddles are very important.

  6. Tootse, I'm very impressed! Did you get to play later in the Rose Garden?


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