Saturday, April 29, 2017

We are so thrilled the Climate March is happening today in Washington, D.C. and around the world. Thank you, all, for standing for sane conservation.

Here are some of our favorite pictures of environments that we love from past posts on our blog.

This is a picture of Tootsie's first hike ever in Switzerland, in the Greina Plateau.

This is little Tootsie in Appenzell, Switzerland.

This is our Idaho home place. You can see Truffle, too!

It might seem impossible to tackle the issues of climate change, but it's not. We just need Tootsie's gusto.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Darwin! Or Beagles?

One of my many writing activities is as the Managing Editor of Assay: A Journal of Nonfiction Studies where I help run the journal and curate a series called "In the Classroom." We are so grateful to our friend Gail Riekie -- you know her from Bouncing Bertie's blog -- for contributing a fantastic piece on Darwin.

Thank you for popping over to read it, here.

Thank you, Gail!

-Renée (& Tootsie, of course)

 Did Darwin feel like this when he set off on the voyage of the Beagle?

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Earth Day

We hope you had a wonderful Earth Day and March for Science!

We waddled our way to the top of Monte Covreto, which is on the border between northern Italy and southern Switzerland.

It's very dry for this time of year, and we're looking forward to rain next week.

If you look closely at this photograph you can see a recent burn on the hill just behind us. It was a small fire, but it's unusual in this area. The smell of soot lingers in the air.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

For Truffle

Many of you remember our dear Truffle, so I want to share a piece I wrote for Truffle. It's for a wonderful literary journal that focuses on housekeeping tips you remember from your dearly beloveds.

You can read it over at Dead Housekeeping, here.

Thank you for taking a look!

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