Friday, March 9, 2018

A New Friend?

Just before we met Bandit, the very good-looking doggie in the photo below, Tootsie had been barked at by a tiny chihuahua who was wearing a tiny Swiss sweatshirt. She was still shaking when Bandit came along. As soon as he came up to her, she stopped shaking and started wagging at a very high frequency.

Tootsie loves big dogs; I think they remind her of her fur-brother Truffle.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

As Ren & Stimpy say, "Happy, happy; joy, joy!" Or maybe Verdi has something else to add?

For a Verdi birthday treat, follow this link, here.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Dachshund Grandpa Made Us a Bench!

Grandpa designed and built our bench so that we could transport it home from Idaho to Switzerland as airplane luggage, and then we could set it up in our special entrance spot, which Grandpa had previously measured.

Dachshund Daddy took the lead but we all worked as a team to put it together. Thanks, Grandpa, for including the necessary tools in our luggage! The bench is made of oak with a touch of teak.

Thank you, Grandpa, for our bench. We love it!

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